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Adding Heart to Public Procurement
Writer : 신지형 Read : 4158 Date : 2024-06-28 16:53:22

Adding Heart to Public Procurement, A Live Performance Event where PPS AD Encourages Emotional Laborers with Singer Solji

Adding Heart to Public Procurement: The Administrator of the Public Procurement Service(PPS) and singer Solji shared stories of participants with a live performance with a view to encouraging emotional laborers.


On June 25th at noon, PPS held a 'Heart Procurement' performance with singer Solji at the central hall of the Government Complex in Daejeon.



사진1_ 마음조달 버스킹

Lim Ki-keun, Administrator of PPS (fifth from the right in the second row), and singer Solji (sixth from the right in the second row) pose for a group photo with counselors of the government procurement call center.